Our Programs

In addition to coaching in both individual and group settings, Grow Into You Foundation provides many other programs for both foster teens and volunteers to participate!


Magnolia House

Magnolia House provides young women who age out of the foster care system of care a safe place to live and thrive. Grow Into You Foundation supports them with a live-in Anchor Family, life coaching, and mentoring. Magnolia House also provides volunteers opportunities to come together to support these young adults as they pursue education, employment, health, and stability.


Resident Application

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Life-Giving Experiences

Grow Into You Foundation offers many experiences to our teens that help to build community, instill value, and develop trust. The experiences include ballroom dancing, yoga, inspirational movie nights, dinner at a restaurant, guest speakers, weekend coaching retreats, and so much more! When our teens are exposed to new things, they see themselves and the world in a more colorful and enthusiastic way!


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Fundraising Events

We are continually working to raise funds so that we can cover the costs of coaching for our teens. Golf tournaments, Masquerade balls, Photography exhibitions, Yoga events, and much more! Come on out and support the foundation!